How to Lose weight with a Massage? Complete Guide to Lose Weight Naturally with Massage Therapy

It was the 31st of December, 2019, when the world was soaking in Yuletide and New Year spirit when the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in the city of Wuhan in the Hubei province- triggering the identification of a novel coronavirus. Since then, the pandemic has taken the world by storm and as of 7th August, there are over 19,300,000 cases and 718339 deaths. Medical facilities have been crumbling in many countries as they continue their efforts in battling with the virus. Lockdowns, Work from Home, sanitizing and social distancing has become the new normal as people are trying to adjust their lifestyle to the whims of this pandemic. 

In such a situation, health questions have been amplified. One of the key questions arise today- what about nutrition-related problems? Talking about nutrition-related problems, the first one that comes to mind is obesity. 

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975. As of 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight. Of them, a staggering 650 million were reported to be obese. Most of the world's population lived in countries where being overweight and obesity kills more than people tackling underweight. As of 2019, 38 million children have been reported to be overweight or obese under the age of 5. 

Coming to India, a survey from 2016-2018 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the United Nations Children's Fund and Population Council of India found out that almost 5% of Indian children are overweight and 10% are pre-diabetic. For a country that is grappling with undernutrition, the risk of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease is increasing exponentially. There are signs of high cholesterol and triglycerides, which might increase the risk of heart disease, strokes and other non-communicable diseases. 

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The study also found out that the proportion of girls between 15 and 19 years and women between 20 and 49 years, who were overweight, more than doubled from 1.6% to 4.9% and from 11.4% to 24% respectively from 1999 to 2016. 

Hence, we are dealing with what might be a huge concern in the future. 

What causes obesity?

Generally speaking, obesity can be caused by eating too much and having to move too little. Consuming calorie-dense foods all the time, coupled with an inactive lifestyle is predominately the leading cause of obesity all around the world. A person needs about 2500 calories a day on an average. It may sound a lot but today's foods are extremely calorie-dense. Burgers, fries are loaded with calories with one sitting shoot up to 1500 calories. 

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The second problem is a poor diet in general. Other than eating large amounts of processed or fast foods, drinking too much alcohol, eating out a lot, eating large portions of food, drinking processed sugary drinks, comfort eating are leading facts of obesity. 

Physical activity plays a vital role in determining the weight of a person. Gone are the days when kids enjoyed playing outside for hours and had to be dragged back home. Mobile phones have taken up that place and with more advancements in technology, it is a safe bet to say we are heading for a more laid back lifestyle. "Binging Netflix" is a widely known activity today. With binging comes the urge to grab some munchies- all processed and packed with calories and salts and sugars. All of the unused calories get stored as fat and that's where the problem amplifies. 

However, some factors are not always in control of the person. Genetics is one of them. You might have come across people who can gobble up enormous amounts of food and never get fat or others who maintain a diet all year round but develop a paunch. It all boils down to genetics. Factors like how your body shape is, your appetite may play an important role in shaping up how you look and if you are overweight or not. 

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There might be some medical reasons like an underactive thyroid gland(hypothyroidism) or the Cushing's syndrome- when your body overproduces steroid hormones, might affect your bodyweight. 

How to lose weight- Conventional methods:

There are some conventional, well-known methods of losing weight. 

Dietary composition change certainly comes first. There's a famous saying "You look like what you eat" which has been around for a long time. Adding protein to the diet always helps in the journey of weight-loss. A high-protein diet often boosts your body's metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day. It also makes you feel full and avoid hunger pangs. Research has shown that a high protein diet may help a person consume over 400 calories less than what they would generally eat without the protein. 

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Having whole, single-ingredient foods add nutrition to the body and skips the over-processed, sugary stuff. They are often very filling and helps keep the hunger pangs at bay.

Avoiding processed foods and stocking up on healthy foods and snacks is always a good add-on in your diet. They help you get rid of the addiction process since processed foods are made tasty so that you start consuming out of your limits. Nuts, vegetables, eggs are always a go-to option. 

Limiting sugar and alcohol intake is crucial for weight-loss. Alcohol has empty calories which never contribute to any nutritional value but shoot up the calorie intake daily. Staying away from sugar and alcohol helps your body stay in shape. 

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Research has also shown that drinking water shoots up the calorie-burning process by 24-30%. Drinking water before having meals also avoids over-eating. 

Limiting intake of refined carbohydrates is a smart options people go for these days. Pasta, sodas, pastries and snacks are some common examples. 

Some people also rely on intermittent fasting where they maintain a cycle between periods of fasting and eating for their weight loss journey. Some common examples are the 5:2 diet, the 16:8 method and the stop-eat method. These often result in fewer calorie intake and shoots up the metabolism. 

Green tea has been proved to have weight-loss properties by increasing energy expenditure by over 4%. 

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Having more fruits and vegetables instead of simple carbohydrates like white rice is a smarter option to go for. 

Science has also shown that the plate size can have a psychological effect on the number of calories you are consuming. It psychologically changes your perception of the portion sizes that you are having. 

Eating slowly has a profound effect too. The science behind this is that your body realises that you are full earlier than it used to.

Switching from conventional vegetable oil to olive oil or coconut oil helps with more vitamins and minerals and also aids in weight loss. 

Chilli peppers and jalapenos are some ways to spice up the meal for health benefits. These contain a compound called capsaicin, which boosts metabolism and increases the fat burning process. 

Some people often rely on probiotic drinks that improve digestive and heart health. 

Whey proteins have also gained tremendous popularity today. They make up for a meal and has almost no carbohydrates but ensures at least 25 grams of protein per serving. This helps in gaining body mass and reducing body fat. 

Apart from these, various forms of exercise like pilates, weight training, Zumba, yoga, CrossFit training have popped up to aid the weight loss journey. 

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Body Massage: A New Warrior? 

A lot of research has been conducted to find out the benefits of a body massage on weight loss. Many turn to body massage as a weapon to embark on the journey to weight loss. Studies have shown that body massage can play a huge role in the process too. Know more about massages by entering the Massage Centre in Anna Nagar.

The process of massaging energizes your body and helps you unwind and destress. This boosts your daily activity levels and provides you with that extra thrust of energy needed for your daily chores. 

A good massage affects the various systems in the body, ranging from the respiratory system to the digestive system. It can ease conditions like constipation or nausea and helps to get the best out of the nutrition in your diet. 

Another benefit of a good massage is a spike in metabolism which directly affects the amount of fat that will be stored as a result of unused calories. 

A steady flow of blood helps in assisting in your daily activities and provides better workouts. 

Body massages also work on dumplings of skin that comes with the accumulation of fat- known as cellulite. Although these problems cannot be fixed completely, they aid in the cellulite reducing process. 

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A better sleep cycle also promotes better digestion of food, thus aiding in weight loss. 

Body massages also aid in reducing pain and tackling injuries like back pain, neck pain. These significantly improve the quality of workouts and hence aids in weight loss. 

The effects of body massage on mental health are also exponential. Whether it is stress, anxiety, depression or just the mental well-being, it can affect your activities and hence passively dictates how you move around. 

Which massage is the best?

Today, a consumer is flooded with options when it comes to body massage. Whether it is the Classic Swedish Massage or the intense Deep tissue massage, different body massage therapies have emerged out of different principles.  

There is no straight answer to which massage is the best for weight loss. While massage therapies like the Thai Massage or the aromatherapy Massage can boost mental well-being, the Classic Swedish massage can help realign the tissues, provide with a steady flow of oxygenated blood that helps in fat loss directly. It is generally recommended for first-timers, as the massage is on the gentler side. Get into the best Massage Spa in Velachery and book your appointment right now!.